Bluefield State College

POSC 218—SPRING 2013

Sections 001 & 002

CRN:  20033 & 20623




Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D.                                                            Course Room No.:  PHYSED P305 & HEC W21

Class TTH:  2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. (14:00-15:15)                         INTERNET:

Office Hours:  TBA                                                                                                                        Office No.:  B120

VOICE:  304.327.4034 (W)                                                                                                          512-924-2364 (M)


A comparative study of American state and local governments, with emphasis on federalism, federal and state relations, interstate regulations, and structure and political process of state and local governments.


Grading Policy:  20% for Attendance*; 20% for the Class Presentation; 20% for the Midterm Exam; 20% for the Research Paper; and 20% for the Final Exam. A Guidelines sheet will be distributed outlining the requirements for your Class Presentation and for your Research Paper.


Grading Scale:  90-100=A; 80-89=B; 70-79=C; 60-69=D; 0-59=F.  These numerical scores correspond to the following evaluations:  “A” = Excellent; “B” = Good; “C” = Satisfactory (NOTE:  A grade of “C” or better is required in major courses); “D” = Poor (passing, except in major courses); “F” = Earned Failure (removed only by repeating the course; upon successfully passing the course, the first grade is “excluded” from grade point average.  The second grade is “included” in the recalculation of the grade point average); and “I” = Incomplete.


Learning Outcomes:  Upon completion of POSC 218, students should be able to read and provide an immanent critique of texts; to articulate arguments and examine their flaws; be familiar with the basics of logical, ethical, and dialectical reasoning; be familiar with essays, both pro and con, regarding the responsibilities of state and local government in the United States; understand what is federalism and how it works; know that each state operates under both its own state constitution as well as the US federal constitution; be familiar with state finances and taxing policies; have some understanding of statewide political attitudes and participation in election campaigns and their importance; be cognizant of the various political parties and interest groups operating within their state; understand the law-making role of state legislatures and city councils; have familiarity with the state and city executive branches and the role and power of the governor, mayors, and city managers; be familiar with the state judicial court system and its role; understand the power and role of the state and local bureaucracy; appreciate the role of local municipal governments and their associative politics; understand the role of the educational system within the state; be familiar with the state and local criminal justice system; understand the role of the state healthcare system; be cognizant of the built and natural environment and culture of the state and their importance.


Academic Integrity Policy:   Academic integrity is expected of all students. This means that all work for this class must be undertaken and completed by you alone without collaboration from others. Any dishonesty in the performance of course work, such as plagiarism or cheating in other forms, will be reported. In the event the student is charged with some form of dishonesty, the Student Discipline Policy will be followed. The full text of the BSC Academic Honesty Policy can be found at: In addition, students should be aware that research paper assignments may be submitted to Turnitin by the instructor for the purpose of checking for possible plagiarism. Submitted assignments will be included in the BSC dedicated database of assignments at Turnitin and will be used solely for the purpose of checking for possible plagiarism during the grading process during this term and in the future.


Attendance Policy*:  Attendance in class is mandatory.  It is the student’s responsibility to sign the attendance sheet each day of class; failure to sign the attendance sheet—even if in attendance—will be counted as an absence.  “When the number of clock hours of willful absences exceeds the number of  semester hours of credit, the instructor will notify the Registrar that the student has exceeded the permissible number of absences and should be withdrawn from class.”  Students with Excused Absences must submit to me a hard copy of the campus publication The Bulletin announcing your allowed absence in order to get credit for the day(s) of your absence.  “It is the responsibility of the student to…provide supporting documents for institutional and unavoidable absences” (Bluefield State College Academic Catalog 2012-2014, p. 55).  As well, you are expected to follow the syllabus and accordingly be prepared for each day’s class.  This means that you must read the pre-assigned readings before class so that you will be prepared to discuss and debate in class the subject matter scheduled for that day and answer questions related to the issues being covered.  NOTE:  TURN OFF all cell phones during class.


* Absence from class may be made up by preparing a two-page, typed (i.e. using maximum 12 point font size and maximum double-spaced text with one-inch margin on all sides), summary on the missed material scheduled to be covered the day(s) of your absence.  The summary must be in your own words and must not be copied material from the text(s), the internet, or any other source(s).  All summaries must be turned in to me by the last day of classes if you want credit for your absences.


Withdrawal Policy:   Academic Withdrawal from the course prior to the deadline date for withdrawal as published within the academic calendar is accomplished by securing a change in schedule form and having it signed by appropriate persons.  Blank copies of the change in schedule form are available in the offices of the Registrar, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean and the advisor.  After obtaining the required signatures, the student must submit, prior to the deadline date, the change in schedule form to the Office of the Registrar.


Disability Services Statement:  BSC is committed to full inclusion of all students. Students who, by nature of a documented disability, require classroom, equipment, testing or assignment accommodations should contact the Student Support Services at 304.327.4227 to request accommodations before the start of the semester. Your immediate attention to these arrangements is necessary to assure a positive learning experience.

Free Tutoring Services Available:  BSC offers Smarthinking free online tutoring for all BSC students in the following subjects:  Math; Accounting, Managerial; Accounting, Financial; Writing (all subjects); Grammar; Microeconomics; Macroeconomics; Statistics; Spanish. Chemistry, etc. This service is free and available 24 hours a day to all BSC students. Go to and follow these instructions.


Required Texts:


Smith, Kevin B. and Alan Greenblatt, and Michele Mariani Vaughn.  2012.  Governing States and Localities, 3rd edition.  Washington, DC:  CQ Press College. [ISBN-13:  978-1604267280 ], 600 pages.


***This class is web-enhanced and students will be able to access supplemental materials on the BSC BlackBoard website, including chapter outlines, chapter PowerPoint summaries, etc.***



Jan. 21:  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (College Closed)


Jan. 22:  [Tuesday:  Classes begin for Spring Semester]  Introduction:  They Tax Dogs in West Virginia, Don’t They?


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 1


Jan. 24:  Introduction:  They Tax Dogs in West Virginia, Don’t They?


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 1


Jan. 29:  Federalism: The Power Plan


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 2


Jan. 31:  Constitutions: Operating Instructions


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 3


Feb. 5:  Finances: Filling the Till and Paying the Bills


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 4


Feb. 7:  Political Attitudes and Participation: Venting and Voting


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 5


Feb. 12:  Parties and Interest Groups: Elephants, Donkeys, and Cash Cows


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 6


Feb. 14:  Parties and Interest Groups: Elephants, Donkeys, and Cash Cows


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 6


Feb. 19:  Legislatures: The Art of Herding Cats


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 7


Feb. 21:  Legislatures: The Art of Herding Cats


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 7


NOTE:  Special lecture on Mountain Top Removal; Dr. Lowinger’s Seminar in Social Science class (SOSC 490) will be guests


Feb. 26:  Governors and Executives: There Is No Such Thing as Absolute Power


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 8


Feb. 28:  Governors and Executives: There Is No Such Thing as Absolute Power


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 8


Mar. 5:  Courts: Turning Law into Politics


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 9




Mar. 8:  Mid-Semester grades due to Registrar


Mar.  11-15:  Spring Break (No Classes)


Mar. 19:  Courts: Turning Law into Politics


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 9




Mar. 21:  Bureaucracy: What Nobody Wants but Everybody Needs


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 10


Mar. 26:  Bureaucracy: What Nobody Wants but Everybody Needs


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 10


Mar. 28:  Local Government: Function Follows Form


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 11


Apr. 1-12:  Pre-Registration for Summer & Fall Semester courses


Apr. 2:  Local Government: Function Follows Form


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 11


Apr. 4:  Metropolitics: The Hole Government Problem


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 12


Apr. 9:  Metropolitics: The Hole Government Problem


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 12


Apr. 11: Education: Reading, Writing, and Regulation


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 13


Apr. 12:  Last Day to Withdraw from course/college with a grade of "W"


Apr. 16:  Education: Reading, Writing, and Regulation


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 13


Apr. 18:  Crime and Punishment


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 14


Apr. 23:  Crime and Punishment


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 14


Apr. 25:  [Research Papers Due]  Health and Welfare Policy: State, Heal Thyself!


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 15


Assignment: Research Papers Due today.  Hand in a hard copy of your Research Papers to me in class and send me an electronic copy by email as a Microsoft Word attachment.


May 2:  Health and Welfare Policy: State, Heal Thyself!


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 15



May 7:  The Environment: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 16


May 9:  [Last day of classes. In-Class Presentations and Research Papers MUST be completed by this date.  No submissions will be accepted after this date.] The Environment: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally


Readings:  Smith, Greenblatt, and Vaughn Ch. 16


Assignment: Complete all readings.




May 20:  Final grades due to Registrar electronically